Barcode Generator.
Test drive the barcode generator below using the Javascript API.
Refer to the examples below to use "Open-Barcode" for your own project. Open-Barcode calculates the bar sequence and returns an array of integers (0s and 1s), zeroes being white and 1s being black bars respectively.
// UPC-A barcode
var upc = new OpenBarcode.UPC("12345678998");
var bars = upc.barcode();
var numericCode = upc.code;
// EAN13 barcode
var ean = new OpenBarcode.EAN("123456789985");
var bars = ean.barcode();
var numericCode = ean.code;
// Code39 barcode
var code39 = new OpenBarcode.Code39("Open Barcode");
var bars = code39.barcode();
var numericCode = code39.code;
// UPC-A barcode
$upc = new \OpenBarcode\UPC("12345678998");
$bars = $upc->barcode();
$numericCode = $upc->code;
// EAN13 barcode
$ean = new \OpenBarcode\EAN("123456789985");
$bars = $ean->barcode();
$numericCode = $ean->code;
// Code39 barcode
$code39 = new \OpenBarcode\Code39("Open Barcode");
$bars = $code39->barcode();
$numericCode = $code39->code;
from openbarcode.linear import *
// UPC-A barcode
upc = new UPC("12345678998");
bars = upc.barcode();
numericCode = upc.code;
// EAN13 barcode
ean = new EAN("123456789985");
bars = ean.barcode();
numericCode = ean.code;
// Code39 barcode
code39 = new Code39("Open Barcode");
bars = code39.barcode();
numericCode = code39.code;
import com.floms.openbarcode.Code39;
import com.floms.openbarcode.EAN;
import com.floms.openbarcode.LinearBarcode;
import com.floms.openbarcode.UPC;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// UPC-A barcode
LinearBarcode upc = new UPC("12345678998");
int[] bars = upc.barcode();
String upcCode = upc.code();
// EAN13 barcode
LinearBarcode ean = new EAN("123456789985");
int[] eanBars = ean.barcode();
String eanCode = ean.code();
// Code39 barcode
LinearBarcode code39 = new Code39("Open Barcode");
int[] code39Bars = code39.barcode();
String code39Code = code39.code();
Authors and Contributors
This free and open-source project is brought to thanks to the sponsorship of Floms, LLC and Yoel Nunez (@ynunez).
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